Beth and I cruised on up to Clark, New Jersey for the wildy popular (for the 60 and up crowd) "Arn and Jerry's 2009 Danceathon". Our friends Brian and Robin live close by and had turned us on to this amazing cultural phenomena that takes place one a year in central Jersey. Beth and I finagled almost-free tickets in exchange for volunteering for a few hours at the food counter. It was a great way to meet folks and we had first dibs on the raspberry pie (sooo good).
While it was slightly odd being the only people under the age of 60, it did provide us with ample attention from the older dancers. We were even able to convince a few of them to do the chicken dance with us towards the end of the

evening - not exactly a typical dance move at a zydeco dance. It was a fun time and brought back memories of dancing to Rockin Dopsie Junior and the Zydeco Twisters down in Loooosiana.
We spent the next morning with Brian and Robin checking out their cute town - New Jersey, who knew?

Beth with one of her many suitors

I got three dances with Bill!

Brian and Robin breaking it down on the dance floor
Waiting for someone to dance with us :(

The volunteers get a shout-out
Our 10-year-old nemesis
A slightly young(er) person - but with the band